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Friday, 29 April 2011

Social Networking In the Light Of SEO

Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Orkut, etc are very popular now a day. The growing popularity of internet has converted the world into a global village and people are now very interested to know what is happening in the other part of the world. There are lots of direct benefits of these social networking sites like you can learn and understand other cultures and customs and even you can improve your profession track record with the help of these sites.

But you know there are some indirect benefits of these sites as well. Today, these sites are the powerful resources of quality backlinks and you can make your site or blog popular within a reasonable course of the time. In SEO, social networking is considered as an essential because it can generate organic as well as inorganic traffic on your website.

When you share the link of your website/blog through these sites, other people come to know that this actually exists somewhere within the web. They came across to your link, read it and if they like it they will also share it from their own social networking platform. It works like a continuous chain and your site/blog gains a wide popularity easily. But it generates only inorganic traffic.

As everybody knows that social networking sites have excellent page rakings and bots love these sites. Hence placing your links in these sites generates quality backlinks for you that help a lot in generating organic traffic and increasing the page raking.  Additionally, if someone places your link in his own web page with good ranking you will get some more quality backlinks easily. And of course! All these things come free of cost.
Along with these sites you can also utilize other quite beneficial buzz sites like Google Buzz, Yahoo Buzz, etc. Social bookmarking is another good technique to increase the page ranking. Bookmarking with Digg, Delicious, Stumble, and other popular social bookmarking tools leaves a great impact on your page ranking while bots crawl the web page.

But for doing so, you might have a wider social network across the web. 

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